Book What Would Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ Say Out in soon! Fashion Trend Nation Against Nation Trend Climate Chaos Trend 5G Trend Fireball Trend Volcano Eruption Trend Asteroid Trend Target Individuals Trend Biological Weapon Trend False Missile Alert Trend Sinkhole Trend Unusual Earthquake Trend Floods Trend Laser Technology Trend Direct Energy Weapon Trend Blue Beam Trend Emp Attack Trend Fashion Color Trend: The Meaning of The Trumps and the Royalty Fashion Choice June 3 Fashion Trend (2019-06-05) While the World is falling into confusion in the Middle East, the American Trumps three day visit with the British Royals was something from another world. They say appearances make a huge impression. So what does it mean when two powerful dynasties meet constantly wearing white. What is truly behind the Color Coding and the Trumps. Even though, the most popular event t