Fashionista occultist trend 2022-11-26 #BalenciagaGate #Balenciaga #occult Has Fashion gone too far? Is Fashion just one of those idols that people should avoid ? Be warned that children are being exposed not only to the occult but to evil cults. Carrying fake babies in the most distasteful way is becoming a dark trend. It is the psychology behind the elite and ancient corruption behind it. What is in the dark always comes to light. Jesus Christ taught us this. For the runaway collection the theme was stepping into hell. Dead looking models carrying bondage teddy bear bags and fake babies with bloody cloths was the trend. And for whatever reason it is unclear what Balenciaga campaign was suppose to stir, a new sinister culture and shock value or just normalizing crime. Dark symbolism going back to the times of ba al, a heathen god that did child sacrifice. Ba al a appears first in 2 Kings 10:19 and is mentioned more than 77 times in the Old Testament of the Bible. We all saw