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The Casting Couch Deception of the Fashion Industry Allegations of Kevin Sorbo and Late fashion Designer Gianni Versace

Exposing the Fashion Industry Trend The Casting Couch Deception of the Fashion Industry Allegations of Kevin Sorbo and Late Fashion Designer Gianni Versace 2017-11-25 #metoo #ResistanceUnited #SexualPredator #TheResistance #fashion #kevinsorbo #sexualassault #gianniversace #versace Decades later, popular Actor of Hercules Series Kevin Sorbo exposes Late Fashion Design Mogul Gianni Versace. On October 23, 2017 Kevin Sorbo told Adam Corolla about Gianni Versace's 1984 sexual Assault.  Does it make a difference. Should it make a difference. predicts the trend of the fashion industry exposure will soon come knocking at its door just like the Hollywood Empire #metoo . Although it started making headlines in the 1990's from supermodels like Karen Mulder the world only heard whispers and rumors. Appearances are not what they appear to be in the Fashion Industry. While some fashion models are made to appear as angels on the catwalk. Others hav...