They are being called the resistants? Violating of Bill of Rights? 4/18/2020 Seven days ago I had a dream where there were rallies. But I saw it during the Holy weekend. In the name for Jesus Christ people got in their cars although it did not happen during the time I had the dream. It happened seven days later. During the American rallies people were saying that they wanted they right for religious rights. This is happening after there were arrests around the United States ordered by the Governors to arrest church congregates. Sounds like what happened two thousand years ago when the Roman Governor arrested and then killed Jesus Christ. Just a couple of days before the President of the United States announced in many U.S States of the to reopen the economy then this happens. In a location where forty percent of the infected covid-19 has stepped outside their doors. Many people were arrested in Los Angeles. A secret guard unit is ready for Martial Law in Washington Dc.