Human Crisis Pandemic State of Emergency Canadian Schools Should Shut down Nationally? Why not? March 13 2020 Yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister's wife Sophie has been taken into quarantine. Today, Prime Minister Trudeau had a national conference outside of his home of isolation. In his conference he was asked about his family and how they were coping with his wife testing positive. His children are being isolated in the same location along with the Prime Minister. Still he has not been tested for the Coronavirus. So if the Prime Minister's children are at home? And the Ontario Government has shut down the Public School system so why not nationally ? ( source ) Why can't all in of Canada? We are in a global Pandemic as it was announced a few days ago worldwide. Today 117 countries are infected with covid-19 virus. So have some Mayor's across Canada miss the mark? The United States has shut down schools nationally. New York is in Martial