Human Crisis Deception Trend Agenda 2020 2021 2030 2050 Minneapolis as the first American State to Defund Police 6/13 2020 6/13/2020 direct link Can the police department be abolished? Are we in a brainwashed society? Nothing is new under God Almighty's eyes. An American State, Minneapolis has not only burned down three police stations it is now defunding the police. What about abolish the Police Department? So what does defunding the police mean? While defunding may be a new word is civilization quickly disappearing? The answer is yes.Just like we are being brainwashed to believe the new normal. Not only are we listening to commentators, and religious leaders such as Archbishop Vigano speak the truth when will the rest of civilization wake up. Many people quickly are waking up to the reality but what is reality to us is not for the others. The Masonic people? The Antifa? T