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Asteroid Trend

Monsterous Asteroid Passing by Earth on April 19, 2017 A  Monsterous Asteroid Passing by Earth on April 19, 2017. It is being described as a 900 year old event. It is also being described as " the asteroid’s closest approach to Earth in 400 years, and will not come as close again for another 500 years.".  The size of the Asteroid called Asteroid 2014 JO25 is one kilometer or 600 meter wide. Asteroid 2014 JO25 ASTEROIDE 2014 JO25 PASARA CERCA A LA TIERRA EL 19 DE ABRIL DE 2017 Asteroid 2014 JO25 NASA confirms potentially hazardous to flyby Earth

Palm Sunday April 9, 2017

Victorious Palm Sunday  What is Palm Sunday?  When Jesus Christ the Son of the Lord, walks into Jerusalem he is received by the people of the street with Palms being waved in their hands. It is Jesus Christ triumphal  entry Palm Sunday described in Matthew 21 1:11  Henced, it is called Palm Sunday. Today on Sunday April 9, 2017 Catholic Churches around the universe will receive a gift at Church today a Palm from Jerusalem blessed by the Roman Vatican Catholic Church. It is taken home to keep and hold all year long until next Ash Wednesday. It is a reminder around the world and all year long of the kind of KING JESUS IS.  Matthew 21 1:11 Our Lord, the King of Kings will be victorious in his mission on Earth. He later be crucified in days to come by the very people also holding the Palms. It is a bitter sweet reminder of his mission on Earth. What is the Symbol of Palms? Palms is also a sign of Victory. This is also symbolic in Martyrism, Saints in Catholics Statues h

Everlasting Wealth

"GIVE ME A DRINK"  Just who said, " Give me a drink" and to whom was this personality speaking to. On the third Sunday of Lent, the Bible verse John 4.5-42 was given  for March 19, 2017 from the Sunday Missal, Living with Christ 2016-2017. The verse describes the encounter of the  Samaritan  Woman meeting Jesus Christ at Jacob well where the element water becomes the topic of conversation. Which is why it should be compared to the another essential element to human existence, food. As described in the  Book of Matthew, verse 4:4  It lets us know the essence of the season of Lent. In the 40 days Jesus Christ was in the wilderness he becomes hungry. While Jesus Christ' human flesh must of been thirsty for water and food,  after 40 days he encounters God. Just like in Matthew 4:4 where Jesus Christ encounters God and  in  John 4.5-42 the Samaritan woman encounters Jesus Christ both needing God in their heart and both not know what they really lack which is

Believing and You Shall Receive

"Believing and You Shall Receive" ( Matthew 21:22) Jesus Christ teaching the disciples the power of prayer on his way to the City of Bethany. Jesus Christ has been teaching us through his words and miracles that he did for his disciples how powerful prayer is when we wish anything in true faith. A reflection in the saying "your wish is my command". During Lent season one must believe in order to achieve. Wednesday March 15, 2017 Matthew 20:28 The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve to give his life. THE FIG TREE CURSE OR MIRACLE Matthew 21:17 And he left them, and went out to the city of Bethany, and lodged there. Now in the morning and when he returned to the City, He became Hungry,  and seeing a lone fig tree by the road,  he came to it, and found nothing on it except leaves only, and He said to it, b "No longer shall there be any fruit from you" and at once the fig tree whitered. And seeing this,  the Disciples marve

DIY Prom Night

PROM A DISASTER OR A CONFIDENCE BOOSTER Where do I  start, what style to choose from, not for me! If this is going through your mind then read on. Creating your own Style is not only fun but it will build the confidence that you need when going to your prom? Buying your own prom dress at a retail store can turn out to be a time waster. The style is not what you had in mind. The outfit is too tight. You like that style but the size is not right for you. There are ways to fix the issue. Take the root of DIY. Consider simple Quizzes will help you in finding a style by  Prom Dress Quiz by Seventeen Choosing this root will not only create and build confidence it will open doors and talents that you never thought you had before. Joining a fashion club where others are doing the same thing will make it easier and help you finish the project at task. Finding an experience fashion designer near you will help you and guide you with achieving that goal in mind.  Finding a s

Jacobean Embroidery Trend

Jacobean Embroidery Popular Trend Emma Thomson looking fabolus in the Jacobean Embroidery  Flower on her  top at the Screening for the Beauty and the Beast in Paris. It was delightful to see a woman wear pants for the occasion. An up close look at the Jacobian flower embroidery from #ODLRFall17 . — Oscar de la Renta (@OscardelaRenta) February 27, 2017 . @EmmaWatson looking flawless in #ODLRFall17 at the screening of Beauty and the Beast in Paris — Oscar de la Renta (@OscardelaRenta) February 27, 2017 Beautiful Nature Motifs from the 17 Century. Did the Oscar de la Renta designer play with numbers by recreating the Jacobean motif trend again in the 17th year of the century. It was noted in Wikipedia : Jacobean embroidery refers to embroidery styles that flourished in the reign of King James I of England in first quarter of the 17th century. The term is usually used today to describe a form of crewel

Fashion Worn Politics Trend

Spring Fashion Trend 2017  FASHION WORN POLITICS F ashion worn politics is a new trend. Should we be concerned. Not really. It is becoming the new trend to express your political agenda, the only difference its on you. Fashion designers are starting to show it on the runaway. We are all diversified individuals and fashion should have a sense of humor and style. Watch Singer Joy Villa Tells all to Infowars about her dress worn and how she promoted Donald Trump phrase "Make America Great Again!". As seen below: Joy Villa Tells All to Infowars posted by Alex Jones In next video posted by fashion blogger Katie, entitled " Fashion Week Trends & Best Runway Shows 2017! " StealTheSpotlight StealTheSpotlight she notices that the New York fashionistas all over the front row seats were making their political states on their worn black and white tees. Fashion Week Trends & Best Runway Shows 2017! StealTheSpotlight StealTheSpotlight

The Eucharist

The Faith Behind The Eucharist What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is made of  Bread received at Catholic Church for those whom have faith in Jesus Christ. Where is the Eucharist Made? The youngsters can not receive the Eucharist until they have received their Holy Communion. The Holy Communion is a yearly celebration of the Holy Catholic Church. Children as young as nine years old can receive for the first time the Eucharist. The Priest of the the Holy Catholic Church is the first one who gives the Eucharist by hand to the Catholic Believer during Mass. For the ill that are bedridden can receive their Eucharist for a Catholic Priest at their request. By Hand The Priest gives the Faithful the Bread in their Mouth or in the both folded Palm of their Hand. Who Created The Eucharist? Jesus Christ Performs The First Eucharist Our Lord, Jesus Christ performed the first Eucharist in front of this 12 Apostles. Jesus Christ taught his 12 Aportles how to do the Eucharist when

Angels Trend

The Sacred Book of the Bible Describes Best Angels Angel bearing a cross by Ercole Ferrata, with the inscription “cujus principatus super humerum eius” ("the government shall be upon his shoulder", Isaiah 9:16), eastern side of the Ponte Sant'Angelo à Rome. Angels and Seraphs are human being figures with wings described in the Bible throughout the ancient scriptures.  Angels are described over 300 times in the New and Old Testament in the Bible. Angels are the messengers from the creator, when God wants to deliver a special event to an earth bound person. Throughout history Angels have been made into sculptures and paintings. Angels are seen in dreams .  The Good Angels are messengers of God. Angels have different names in the Bible such as Angels, Seraphs, Seraphim. Angels have many wings and have deliver a diversity of words each time they appear. The Angels are Celestial Orchestras and choirs. What happened to the humans were we suppose to have wings.

Creation of Heaven and Earth

Genesis 1 In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What does the Bible refer to the heavens. Does it mean another dimension that we can not see and or does it mean the moon the stars, the planets that are seen and not yet seen through the human eye. Genesis 1:2 And the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was  moving over the surface of the waters. In the Genesis 1:2 one can learn so much in just the phrase earth was formless and void. Since the Bible begins with the first Part called Genesis , it's very starting point begins with the  description of Earth. It does not continue to mention anything about heaven. To which Heaven, the skies up above or the heaven not seen through the realm of our virtual reality or what the human eye can see infront of us. It is important the take our critical thinking to another level. The level on the surface is taking the literal meaning. The words should