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Strawberry Moon June 9, 2017

Call it full moon or call it strawberry moon. It is called a Strawberry moon due to the strawberry harvest time. It is at its peak on June 9, 2017. Red and orange hues were in the evening atmosphere. Last year the strawberry moon was on June 20, 2016 rarely coinciding with its Summer Solstice. So it will be a little early this year. Prophetic Strawberry moon Biblical prophecies are the words of Paul Begley as he explains in his posted Youtube video . Prophecy on Strawberry Moon 2017

Planet Tilt Trend

The Earth is Quietly Tilting  The Planet Tilt trend is becoming a fact accepted by most media. Some of the causes are due to the Planet 9. As a result  the tropic of cancer has been more closely monitored and since 2011 a public keeping records has slowly disappered . As the evidence of the Earth tilting become more of a strong proof than a weaker one. One place that has kept a close eye of just how much the tropic of cancer has changed is in Mexico.The tropic of cancer in Mexico is being marked from 2005 and each year it seems to be moving. It is happening all around the world. While Mexican authorities were keeping track of the North of the Equator line, the Indigenous people are among the first  too say that the Earth's Sun is no longer rising where it use to. As denoted in the 2014 article "Earth Has Shifted" - Inuit Elders Issue Warning To NASA And The World" that the Earth has shifted. Gathering Proof is simply put but what is causing the Earth to shift

Virgin Mary Apparition Trend

Celestial Phenomena and Events have been occurring  throughout history. The bible tells us that there shall be signs in the sky. So to the believers it is becoming something that is more of a comforting event. The Virgin Mary apparitions has been occurring all over the world with one or two witnesses to the mass populations at that moment. The Virgin Mary has been recently appearing around the globe with the most recent being this past week just few days before the Fatima Canonization of the two witnesses for the 100th anniversary of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary of Fatima . Almost a month before on April 24, 2017 infront of a huge crowd in Venezuela a cloud apparition of Jesus Christ Mantel our Lord. Venezuela is a country that has been suffering from turmoil and civil war among its people. The Mother Virgin Mary, appears in areas that are poor and to the humble. In an area, where the believers of our Lord and Faith is strong but weak at times of disaster and

Apostolic Journey

Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Egypt Why is the Pope meeting with Egyptian Political and Civil Authorities is there something new or a discovery? According to Vatian Radio : Pope Francis said “this destiny and role of Egypt” is also the reason for the call for an Egypt where “no one lacks bread, freedom, and social justice.” This aim, he said, can be achieved if all are willing to work together to turn words and aspirations into reality. “Development, prosperity, and peace are essential goods that merit every sacrifice.” He reminded those present, however, that “true development is measured by concern for human beings, who are the heart of all development.” Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Egypt. Meeting of Pope Francis with Egyptian Political and Civil Authorities, from the Al-Màsah Hotel, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Reunión de emergencia Sr. Presidente

Corea del Norte se encuentra en ALTAS ALERTAS el 28 de abril de 2017 Vuelta para lo peor, y giro fuera de Control, debemos poner en ALTA ALERTA "fueron algunas de las palabras mencionadas por el Sr. Wang Yi en el Emergency North Korea Briefing, teniendo en vivo en Washington DC, Estados Unidos. Corea del Norte Briefing, Secretario Rex Tillerson Presidente Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU 4/28/17 Trump. Una reunión de emergencia de las Naciones Unidas se está llevando a cabo en este momento con preocupaciones sobre cómo Corea del Norte es una nación que no debe ser de confianza dice Sr.Wang Yi.  El 28 de abril de 2017, frente al Consejo de Seguridad, el Sr. Wang Yi, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, estaba muy preocupado por el Programa Nuclear de Corea del Norte. China ha presentado varias propuestas. En una de las propuestas, quiere sancionar las importaciones totales de Corea del Norte. El Sr. Wang Yi también insta a las Naciones Unidas a que Corea del Norte sea p

Fenómenos de la Piratería del Río

Fenómenos de la Piratería del Río El fenómeno de piratería del río es un acontecimiento poco común que aún no se ha visto en los tiempos históricos. ¿Es posible que un río desaparezca? ¿Puede el flujo de un río cambiar su curso. Bueno, eso ha sido el caso en el río Slim de Canadá. El río Slim es alimentado por el glaciar Kaskawulsh de Canadá y ha desaparecido en sólo cuatro días. Las grietas y sumideros pueden ser la causa de la desaparición de ríos en países como Rusia, México y África. Pero un río entero que cambia su curso y después que desaparece es un fenómeno que puede necesitar una investigación adicional. Un río entero en Canadá ha desaparecido por Daboo77 Paul Begley nos dice que "verás grandes señales en los cielos, pero también verás grandes señales en la Tierra, ... y va a volverse loco ... Él dice que esos son los signos bíblicos mencionados en la Biblia. Vea el video a continuación

River Piracy Phenomena Trend

The River Piracy Phenomena is an uncommon event not yet seen in historical times. Is it possible for a river to disappear. Can the flow of a river change its course. Well that has been the case in Canada's Slim river. The Slim River is fed by Canada’s Kaskawulsh Glacier and it has vanished in only four days . Cracks and sinkholes can be the cause of rivers disappearing in countries such as Russia, Mexico and Africa. But an entire river changing its course and then disappearing is a phenomena that may need further investigation. An Entire River in Canada has Vanished by Daboo77 Paul Begley lets us know that " you will see great signs in the heavens but you will also see great signs on Earth,... and it is going to get crazy..He says that those are the biblical signs mentioned in the Bible. See video below Breaking: "Canada River Vanishes In 4 Days" Whaaaaaaaaat? Links :