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Climate Chaos Trend: Volcanoes Erupting Now Worldwide

Climate Chaos Trend: Volcanoes Erupting Now Worldwide 2018-02-21 Megatrndz Show Season 2 Episode 11: lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos      UFO Supermoon        Bill Gate's supercow, train crashed in Crozet, Virginia Coincidence or Deliberate lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos Celestial Event Trend: What Particular Climatic Changes or Chaos did the Blue Moon, Blood Moon, and Super Moon  January 31, 2018 11:00 am #supermoon #bloodmoon  #volcanoes This morning an  extraordinary event not seen since 150 years occurred. So the  Earth was quietly rumbling during the hour of the lunar eclipse or the time that the Moon was passing over the Earth's shadow. Read Full Story Megatrndz Show Episode 11: lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos      UFO Supermoon        Bill Gate's supercow, train crashed in Crozet, Virginia Coincidence or Deliberate Also Read Strange Trend     Unpred

Social Collapse Trend: Food Scarce Venezuela

Social Trend  Social Collapse Trend Food Scarce Venezuela Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Social Collapse Trend:  Food Scarce Venezuela 2018-13-07 by Veronica Davis  Tweet Food For Thought Meal of the Day Is it possible to end the poverty. End the war on children. So They THINK. They have it all figured out.  Protesting outside. Begging for Food. Depriving us of Natural Seeds. Organic vs Hybrid. Natural vs GMO Depriving us of the dirt Chemtrails  Spraying Aluminum, Barium and  Stragum. And convincing us that is good for the environment. What kind of fools are we. Blessed are the meek For they inherit the Earth Blessed those who hunger and thirst for righteousness Blessed are the peacemakers.

End the Wickedness Trend: Why we Need to Think like the King of Kings Lord of Lords

Social Trend  Social Collapse Trend Food Scarce Venezuela Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Why We Need To Think Like the King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ 2018-02-18 by Veronica Davis #endpoverty #endwickedness #happiness #thinkbig #motivation I particularly want to start of today with the critical question, we need to ask ourselves and find an answer within us. The Kingdom of Heaven is Near , is also a phrase we need to meditate on today. Why we need to think more like the King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ. I feel today society is more than ever silencing the truth in what I call the hush format.  People who are employed with Jobs in fear of loosing their employment create a perfect insulated environm

Fidelito's Suicide Note Claims Justin Trudeau as Half Brother

Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Fidelito's Suicide Note Claims Justin Trudeau as Half Brother 2018-02-14  Tweet No longer food for thought or rumors running wild.  This past day, the Wild NEWS from Cuba Dictator Fidel Castro eldest son confirms Justin Trudeau as half brother. Dictator Fidel Castro died in November 2016 at 90 years.  Fidelito Castro Diaz Balart had been receiving treatment for deep depression. According to a Miami Herald Articled Fidelito's  suicide never even made front page news in Cuba according to The Miami Herald News.  Fidelito Castro Diaz Balart was the only son of Fidel Castro and  Mirta Diaz Balart. Fidelito was a nuclear scientist studied in Soviet Union.  Mirta Diaz Balart nephew is currently

Nano Technology, Nanobots

Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Strange Trend:  Nano Technology , Nanobots, and Artificial Intelligence 2018-12-07 by Veronica Davis Follow @megatrndz Applications of Nanoparticles So who is weaving the spider's web. And What if the Geoengineering and weather warfare  goes deeper than just controlling the Economics of life but it goes even further. What if Chem trails  is just the surface and foundation of an environment that the Nano technology can survive.  Imagine a world being covered by Spider webs. So imagine chemtrails setting the basis for an environment so that the nanotechnology can survive. The Agenda is to create synthetic human being says David Icke. Infusing Artificial Intelligence Technology by throwi

Movie Trend: Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy

Movie Trend: Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy 2018-02-11 It is a worldwide phenomenon coming to life in the Fifty Shades of Grey rated or unrated versions, starring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan as the iconic Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. After  the first release of the movie in 2015 the last part of the trilogy is finally out. Is it the Twenty Eight year old Dakota Johnson, Melanie Griffith daughter, or Jamie Dornan that has made the Trilogy of Fifty Shades of Grey a huge success. If you have not heard of the movie there is still time to catch up .S o from the comfort of your own location , you can watch the first or second latest parts of the triology from Youtube videos , rated or unrated watch right now below trailers or movies: Preview Trailers Unrated versions of the Fifty Shades can be purchased on youtube. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Released February 12, 2015 Fifty Shades of Grey (Unrated) In the second chapter of the "Fifty Shades"

Venice, Rome, Mexico Shorelines Water Recession

Strange Trend  Venice, Rome, Mexico Shorelines Water Recession Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Strange Trend: Venice, Rome, Mexico Shorelines Water Recession 2018-02-07 But another event that was concerning Europeans in Venice was the water disappearing along the shorelines. Now this event has occurred many times during the Hurricane season around the shorelines in the Atlantic Ocean on the United States. Some are mentioning the fact that the super blood moon blue moon lunar eclipse caused the water to recede. Finding the true cause may be fine and dandy, but where is the ocean water disappearing to. Is there something in the ocean swallowing up the water. A day before on September 9, 2017 Hurricane Irma had people from Long Island all the way to the